Interested in one of our Training Packages? Have A Question or Concern The Barking Zone can address for you regarding your pet?
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Private Sessions

$165 for one session, $100 for every additional session!

This program is private sessions and more of a DIY program. We show you how to get that family pet to be the best it can be! In These sessions You will learn to teach your dog:

  • Waiting at all thresholds and why is it important
  • Waiting for their food and why is it important
  • Crate training and why is it important
  • The place command and why is it important for different attitudes of different dogs
  • Walking proper and why is it important
  • Sit and down
  • 3 stages to To get that awesome recall

    We will also be going over and help you fix unwanted behavior (nipping, chewing at the leash, jumping, counter surfing, dumpster diving, nuisance barking and more! A prong collar is included with this party!

    Continuing Education for this program: This program will include our download foundation DVD training program, which is the entire one week program in video format. It's a DIY How To video program for our one week program with over 30 videos to watch. This is a great tool to have if you are struggling with anything when you get home. This is for if you learn better by watching.

    This program also includes our Foundation Training Book, which includes all this material in written format. If you like to read versus watch, there is a section of how to, when you get home if you are struggling

    If you are struggling with anything, send us a video and we will post a video on social media to answer your question and if we need to meet up, let's meet up!

    Cost of the Party: $165, +$100 Every Additional Session

  • IMPORTANT: Before paying the $165, make sure you have talked with us and you're on the schedule!

    Pay Program Here

    Sign Up Here!

    Please provide us with the most accurate information as it will help us to provide a program designed to help your party animal specifically.
