We strongly believe that we get superb results with our training method. We are dedicated to building a relationship between you and your dog; however, the progress does depend on your part as well. You will need to be committed to do what we ask of you to help your dog.
We consider it counterproductive to visit your dog during this process. We update our Facebook page so you will be able to see the progress during the stay.
Occasionally. When we ask your dog to sit, we want them to sit for us, not for the treat. Overuse of treats can often lead to an unfocused who is constantly fixated on getting the reward. We like to suggest that your dog works for his meals. Meaning he is working for his daily food.
A prong collar is a communication tool to your dog. It may look cruel, but the collar is actually one of the safest and most humane training tools when used correctly. Remember, tools are usually short term.
If your goal is to have a dog who will obey you while off a leash, the E-Collar is the most reliable tool to communicate with them.
Modernized E-Collars are one of the most humane training tools when used correctly. The E-Collar that we use has wide range of 1-100. The working level is typically around 10-20, which is considered low stimulation. Your dog will feel a slight tickle sensation, thus allowing communication between the dog and human. Check out or video page to see how the E-Collar is used.
We have had great results with our training system to fix pulling, lunging and barking on the walk.
Our approach is unique because we analyze your dogs state of mind and determine how we can teach them to make better choices. We construct a relationship that doesn't involve bribing with treats and we begin training by learning the fundamental obedience and leadership exercises. Once we achieve the basics, then we'll be able to master anything!